‘Haircuts4homeless’ paid a visit to the Salford charity yesterday, helping out the lodgers. The Charity gives free haircuts to those in need.

Steward Roberts, the charities founder, was inspired by the actions of hairdressers in various parts of the world cutting hair for the homeless.

Steward set out not only to do this himself but to build whole community of hairdresser volunteers who give their time free of charge to give haircuts to homeless people.

Salford’s Emmaus branch has been actively fighting homelessness in the city for years, offering lodgings to those who need it.

The charity offers support for people who have experienced homelessness, focusing on a residential community where people come to make it their home for as long as they need it to be. People who join the community, known as companions, commit to working to the best of their ability running of the community itself.

The Emmaus Centre Credit: Google maps

Resident of Emmaus, Keith Dines, says “The barbers come once every six weeks, because they go all over Scotland, England and Wales. They go all over!

The number of rough sleepers in Salford has risen by 600% in the last five years. The worrying statistics show that charities such as Emmaus and Haircuts4homeless are a vital part of Salford’s community.

Here’s more from lodger, Keith Dines on his experience of homelessness in Salford and what ‘Haircuts4homeless’ means to him:

The Emmaus charity relies on donations from the public which can be made here. The centre also sells furniture, DVD’s and clothing from their shop. Any other information can be found on their website here.

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