Tag: Green Party

Bryan Blears campaigns for the A666 bus lane to be reviewed

Salford Green Party adds to the controversy over the A666 bus lane

The debate around the A666 bus lane continues as Salford Green Party candidates fueled controversy yesterday in a YouTube video where they appear to be opposing the development.

Image Credit - Isabella Foster

“We’re all very proud of the eco-friendly reputation of Salford.” – Salford praised as amongst most climate friendly areas in North West

A Salford Green Party member has praised Salford’s position as the most climate friendly area in the North West.

“Salford Green Party cares about their voters” – Secretary of Salford Green Party on problems with the council

“Salford Green Party cares about their voters” – Secretary of Salford Green Party on problems with the council

The secretary of Salford Green Party has spoken out about the problems with Salford council. Wendy Olsen also questioned some […]

Green Party Candidate proposes home working

The Green Party candidate for Salford and Eccles, Bryan Blears, has suggested that businesses should offer days for employees to work from home, in an attempt to reduce pollution in Greater Manchester, as well as easing the pressure on the public transport system.