Author: Edward Chadwick

Free Public Domain CC0 Photo.

“Hate crimes have a devastating impact on the victim and their family” – Hate Crime Awareness Week in Salford

This week, the Salford region will support Greater Manchester’s Hate Crime Awareness Week. Hate crime is defined as crime which […]

Image taken/owned by Garry Knight.

Salford’s “record high” homeless rates aided by housing benefit unfreezing

Salford residents could see improvements to homelessness and housing issues thanks to the Government’s decision to unfreeze housing benefits – […]

Image taken by KeithJustKeith, Flickr,

“Your council is delivering on the promises made at the last election” – Salford Mayor sets out plans for future

The Mayor of Salford, Paul Dennett, has issued a message to the local community on the future of younger generations, […]