FOLLOWING its UK cinematic release on Wednesday, July 27, the film has had a mixed reception. It is the fifth installment of the Bourne film series and the direct sequel to 2007’s The Bourne Ultimatum. Quays News film reporter Andrew Riley went to give us his verdict on Damon and the action…
If you like your movies light on story and heavy on the action, then the latest Bourne movie is right up your street.
If you want a spy thriller, look elsewhere, because this is to spy movies what Downton Abbey is to historical documentary making.
It’s been 12 years since we last saw Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) on the big screen, but director Paul Greengrass’ formulaic new movie sets the action across the globe, as we go from Athens to London and on to the big “finale” in Las Vegas.

If it’s been used in a previous Bourne movie, it’s probably in here as well, in a slightly different guise.
There are strong female leads, Tommy Lee Jones as the bad guy and an unnamed asset chasing our protagonist around the globe – as he once again looks to discover all he can about who he really is, because, hey, if it worked the first time, then it’ll probably work again; but bigger, louder and in a different setting.
Saw #JasonBourne this afternoon. If ever a film illustrated the stage direction, "Cut to the chase" …
— Andrew Collins (@AndrewCollins) July 29, 2016
Without giving too much of what little plot there is away, up-and-coming CIA operative Heather Lee (Alicia Vikander) is desperate to climb the greasy pole and sees Bourne as a way to get to the top.
Queue rooftop shootouts, car chases, fights, riots and plenty of cars with no airbags in them.
Matt Damon has the skills of an assassin and the mind of Dory in the #Bourne #HonestTrailer
— Vulture (@vulture) July 29, 2016
It’s admirably acted, with Damon basically playing the same role he plays in every movie: himself.
Think the fifth Die Hard movie…and then keep thinking, this is worse.
It’s not a “bad” movie, it just lacks a credible story.
Just when you think that one is coming, it becomes another action sequence, and if you want to do an action sequence on the Las Vegas strip, then Con-Air did it bigger and better a long time ago.
The only Vegas landmark that didn’t get a look in was Freemont Street.
It might be the biggest thing at the box office this week, but hopefully, not for long.
As I say, it’s not a bad movie, but it’s been done before and better. Go see something else. Finding Dory is out soon…
Stay in and watch the first one again.
By Andrew Riley
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