THE Lowry Art Gallery, Salford unveiled its new exhibition this weekend.
‘Humansbeingdigital’ showcases work from nine different artists from across the world which focuses on the touch-point between human beings and being digital

The exhibition allows visitors to engage with the art through sculpture, sound and mechanical art whilst allowing them to explore the links between humans, machines and technology.
Not only in the present day but also in the future.

Curator Lucy Dusgarth said: “the exhibition has come together from works over the past two years, bringing it all together under a common theme to create an exhibition that everyone can enjoy.”

One piece of artwork in particular highlights the importance of cyber security. UK artist Nye Thompson’s piece of art ‘Backdoor” showcases footage from 12 different unsecured webcams worldwide.
“Anyone can access your personal data if there is no password on it, it makes us think about how we have to be much more protective about our data” says curator Dusgarth.
The exhibition is on now at the Lowry and runs until the 25th of February 2018. For information on the exhibition click here
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