Sixteen companies across Greater Manchester failed to pay the minimum wage in the past year.

The Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy has identified and published the names of the employers that paid their staff under the national minimum wage.

Most of the firms have activities in the construction and services sector.

The amount of money the employers did not pay is considerable. A hair salon from Wythenshawe underpaid £9,936 to seven workers and, like the others caught underpaying, has had to pay its employees the money owed.

Brownbridge Ltd from Bury has to pay £5,174 to five staff and Keystone Properties from Rochdale has to pay back another £4,613.

The update states that £1.7million is owed to the lowest paid employees in the UK.

Furthermore, there are 16,000 workers from 260 companies across the country who are being paid under the minimum requirements.

Minimum wage is currently £7.50 for people over 25. It has increased by £1.57 in the past seven years.

Salford shopper Laura Nicholson stated: “Employers that do not pay the minimum wage are really taking the tool on the people that they employ because they are lucking motivation to actually come to work.”

Maria Robbins believes that relying on unpaid internships “just means we do not get a diverse talent base.”

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