Women’s health talks will be held in Salford for free as a way of giving back to the local community.

Tori Norris, 42, has decided to host sessions for women struggling with their personal health once she moves to the city from London in a few months time.

She plans on giving these talks both in person and online, as she also goes to other companies to host them.

Tori said: “I’ve had a few businesses over the years and each year I normally pick a charity and normally do loads of different events around raising money for the charity.

“I decided to do it in a different way and just give back to the community instead, so it’s my little good deed. I get a lot of gratification out of it as well by helping people.

“You give people this information and then you’re fuelling and making the world a better place small pieces at a time.”

Tori has 16 years of experience as a Pilates teacher and trained to become a functional movement person who looked at wellness coaching within pre and post-natal women.

She has also run two holistic studios with Pilates, yoga and therapies.

She works holistically with many of these women, and wants to raise awareness for this type of ‘therapy’.


Many of the topics she specialises in are not as widely talked about within communities, such as the perimenopause.


Tori added: “I actually started hitting perimenopausal symptoms when I was 38, so that was quite young. I kind of shifted my mindset from pre- and post-natal to the perimenopausal.

“So many women get themselves trapped into a way of living and not really knowing how to come out of it.”


“You can have women going to the doctors and the doctors can prescribe them with anti-depressants.

“When it’s all about balancing their hormones and what they can do.

“There’s some really simple things you can do without having to go down the medication route.”


“Opening people’s eyes and world up to how they can help themselves then the world is going be in a better place – there’s going to be less hormonal women.”


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