New figures released by NHS England have shown the uptake of vaccinations among Salford children.

The NHS figures are broken down into 3 sets of data which look at the various vaccinations parents are advised, to make sure their child are protected.

The 6-in-1 Vaccine

By a child’s first birthday, they should have received what is often referred to as ‘the six-in-one vaccine’ which protects against Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis, Hib, Hepatitis B, and Inactivated Polio.

The new figures show that in Salford there has been a 89.5 per cent uptake in the first vaccine many children will receive. This is slightly higher compared to uptake in Central Manchester, but lower than in nearby Bolton.

The 5-in-1 Vaccine

The next jab children are due to receive is a five-in-one style vaccination, which they should have by their fifth birthday.

NHS England has published combined figures of children who have received both their first ‘six-in-one’ vaccination as well as their ‘five-in-one’.

The five-in-one vaccination, which has since been replaced by a stronger six-in-one back in 2017, protects children against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis), polio and Hib disease (Haemophilus influenzae type b).

Salford’s uptake for the two vaccinations is at 90.2 per cent, while in Central Manchester uptake is at 89.2 per cent, and nearby Bolton, 95.2 per cent.

The MMR Vaccine

This third and final childhood vaccine sees a significant drop in uptake in Salford.

Parents are advised that their children should receive two doses of the MMR vaccine by their fifth birthday.

The vaccine protects people against measles, mumps, and rubella, but in Salford only 79.8 per cent of children have had the vaccine administered by their fifth birthday.

Comparatively in Central Manchester the figure is 74.5 per cent and in Bolton 87.6 per cent of children have received the jab by their fifth birthday.

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