New plans have been submitted to build a third platform at Salford Crescent train station.
Network Rail submitted the plans to build on one of the ‘busiest stations in Greater Manchester’ in hopes of reducing overcrowding on existing platforms.

The proposed platform could also reduce instances of multiple trains arriving at the same time and having to wait.
The new platform will service the Up Bolton line and is designed to allow space for people to stand for 6 x 24m long carriage trains.
Passenger access to the new third platform will be via a new staircase and lift next to the station’s ticket hall, the report to Salford City Council said.
Furthermore, a canopy will be provided for the new platform as well as new staffing facilities at platform level. A new external gate line could also be introduced as part of the scheme to make up for the increased capacity.
Salford Crescent train station first opened in 1987 and is located near the University of Salford, between the Peel Park and Frederick Road Campus.
Network Rail are a ‘public sector arm’s length body’ of the Department for Transport, they retain permission to manage Britain’s railway infrastructure in England, Wales and Scotland within regulatory and control frameworks. They currently manage 20 of the country’s largest stations, while all the rest – over 2,500 – are run by the train operating companies.
To view the planning application on Salford City Council’s planning portal, click here.
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