Following the released announcement of the Budget there has been a significant demonstration to provide Salford residents with more support within housing.
Alongside the £1bn investment for cladding removal it has been revealed that there will be a £5bn investment to deliver plans on housing.
The increase in affordable homes programme and will aim to provide stability to social housing providers in Salford.
This comes after the recent announcement of the Governments Renters’ Right Bill.
The bill aims to give tenants more security, by giving them more time to find a home if landlords decide to evict them or sell and encouraging them to challenge unfair rent increases.
On average, UK private rents increased by 8.7% from October 2023 to October 2024.

The Household Support Fund, which has already provided £2,733,899.11 for households, is also being extended to help houses that are struggling due to the cost of living crisis in Salford during autumn and winter 2024.
Laura Clavin, a former Salford student, said: “I think it will be beneficial, it will bring more people who are buying to Salford.”
The Renters’ Right Bill has come at a good time for those looking to get on the property ladder.
“People will have problems with their property and then they will complain about it, a few of my friends have been evicted that way because they kept complaining and the landlords just said right we want you out,” Laura continued.
The budget has really focused in on trying to improve the financial situation for members of the public and encourage people to get on the property ladder whilst feeling like they are supported.
The budget also focuses on other things like pay rises, pensioners and carers.
You can find out more information by visiting the Salford government website here.
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