A NEW report states that UK obesity levels are increasing as we are named as the most overweight country in Western Europe as well as being the sixth worst in comparison to its other 35 member states. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Developments conducted a health report and found shocking results.

Over 63 Percent of adults in Britain today are overweight according to OECD, this is a drastic increase by 92% since the 1990s. This puts us ahead of the US who has an obesity rate of 38%. These results also show that kids are affected by this too with an obesity rate of 24%. These figures from the UK put us at the forefront of being one of the worst overweight countries in the world.

By being overweight you are putting your body at risk for many health problems. This can include, heart disease, high blood pressure and type two diabetes. Pregnant women are also at risk when overweight, this also affects their child as it may cause unborn babies to have health problems too.

Speaking to personal Fitness Instructor, Liam Reynolds, from Cheshire, about the ongoing issue said:

“People really need to start taking their health seriously because by not exercising and eating the right meals it can have such a negative impact on your body.”

When asked what he thinks what people can do to tackle the issue he replied,

“You don’t even have to join a gym, by swapping the car for a bike on some journeys or even walking it can make such a difference, also decreasing portions sizes for the whole family will help out kids as well.”

The drastic rise in figures of overweight people in the UK is putting us all at risk for major health problems. Veronica Wilson, 32, from Manchester, a nutritionist specialising in healthy living. She said:

“It doesn’t surprise me that the figures for the UK are so high because we’re not a country that fully promotes healthy living. We rely on takeaways, cars and public transport to get us by without thinking of the consequences that it’s doing to our body.”

 Being overweight is becoming the ‘norm’ In the UK today which will take decades to come out of. The majority of people who become obese start gaining weight during early childhood, so if you can tackle a healthy lifestyle earlier on you will be living longer healthier life.

Veronica also said “Just because you may be overweight now doesn’t mean you can’t change, there’s always time for that. There are so many health programs out there that can help individuals and family’s out, guiding them with their food choices and giving them physical activity plans.”

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 In order to help the UK, tackle this issue, the government has asked food manufacturers and retailers start decreasing the amount of salt, fat and sugar in their products.













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