With Bonfire Night returning this Friday our furry companions could be in serious distress over the next couple of days.

For new owners the signs of anxiety can be difficult to spot and preventing them can be even trickier.

Studies by the RSPCA have shown that 62% of dogs show these signs during fireworks.

This can be a cause of concern as more and more people are hosting private display fireworks nights spread out over a few days.

Animals In Distress, in Irlam, said: “A lot of dogs are not used to the loud sounds of the bangs and crashes of the fireworks

“They can also see the flashing lights through the curtains which can cause a lot of stress.”

This can seem worrying, however, there are many ways in which owners can prepare for the upcoming days.

Animals in Distress explained that playing noises whilst your pet is eating and gradually increasing the volume each time can desensitize them so that when there are fireworks outside they are not shocked by the sounds.

The RSCPA has also suggested ways of calming your dog during fireworks. These include the following:

  • Walk them during daylight hours to avoid times when fireworks are likely to be set off
  • Close windows and curtains to muffle the sound of fireworks
  • Put on some music or tv to mask the firework sounds
  • Create a quiet space where your dog can feel in control
  • Create some hiding places around your home


For more information, go to https://www.rspca.org.uk/adviceandwelfare/pets/general/fireworks and follow #BangOutOfOrder on Twitter.

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