Dogs 4 Rescue, a small, independent dog sanctuary in Irlam, Salford, is now crowdfunding £200,000 for a new rescue centre.
The new facilities will include four acres of land and will enable Dogs 4 Rescue to help more dogs than they are able to at the moment.

Currently, the sanctuary is run from a home with two acres of land, where more than 30 dogs are able to run around freely in an open space and spend nights sleeping in the house.
Louise Fields and Emma Billington, first opened their home, Nursery Farm, to rescuing dogs four years ago and do not use kennels or cages, unlike other rescue sanctuaries in Britain. Louise Fields, 32, said “Our aim is to rescue as many dogs as possible and hopefully discourage people to buy puppies and rather adopt.”
You can find out more about Dogs 4 Rescue, in this video here:
By having the new facility, the sanctuary won’t be run based from Louise’s and Emma’s kitchen at home and lets them have a unit dedicated to purely rescuing and re-homing dogs. The dogs staying there will have more freedom on four acres of land and fundraising events for Dogs 4 Rescue can take place at the new centre, something they are unable to do from their kitchen.
Louise Fields, continued to say: “We mainly meet people, who are hoping to adopt dogs from us, in our kitchen, so our current facilities are quite limited. We can have three or four different groups of people and on the amount of dogs that we are re-homing now, it is just not feasible.”
Dogs 4 Rescue don’t give up on dogs, for example, Sherry had her legs amputated after she was shot scavenging for food in Bulgaria. Most dogs here are from dog pounds abroad who have had a horrible start in life and are hoping to find loving and caring homes.

The next public fundraising event for the new facilities is the Manchester Pet Show, on the 23rd of June at the City Airport – Barton Aerodrome.

You can donate to the crowdfunding or to find out more, here.
You can also contact Dogs 4 Rescue here, for inquiries.
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