Plans to invest £3.6 million into improving facilities for Salford children unable to attend mainstream schools has been pledged by the council.
The funding will enhance the Broadwalk Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), a centre dedicated to supporting secondary school pupils who have been permanently excluded from mainstream education.

The ambitious scheme involves relocating the PRU to the former Clifton Green Youth Centre, a building that, despite being closed for some time, is partially in use for teaching. The relocation will be accompanied by a comprehensive refurbishment and a two-story modular extension. Work on the project has already commenced.
Councillor Jim Cammell, lead member for children’s and young people’s services, praised the existing work of the PRU and welcomed the new development. He said: “The PRU does a fantastic job and our young people and staff deserve the best facilities to help them achieve their full potential.
“I’m delighted that this development is going ahead and I look forward to seeing young people using the new facility.”
The project also promises wider benefits for the local community, in line with the council’s policy of maximising social value from its expenditure.
Councillor Jack Youd, lead member for finance and support services, explained: “We can get ‘social value’ by making sure any company we contract with is offering opportunities to local people and using local suppliers where possible.”
Youd went on to outline specific benefits, including the creation of employment opportunities for Salford residents. The contracted companies will also support the Build Salford scheme, providing construction industry training for young people who might otherwise struggle to secure apprenticeships.
The contractors will cooperate with local schools to offer site visits, taster days, work experience, mock interviews and CV workshops, aiming to familiarise young people with the broad range of careers within the construction industry.
Furthermore, the project will have an environmental focus, with the contractors pledging to use low-impact materials, reuse resources where possible, and limit waste going to landfill.
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