Credit: Google Maps

Police have advised Salford to “remain calm and try to go about everyday life” amid community fears of disorder. 

The police have said they understand the community’s worry about the current tension that is being fuelled by misinformation online. Police say the misinformation online is being created with the purpose of creating fear and inciting intolerable hate.

A spokesperson for the GMP said: “Our advice to communities is to remain clam and try to go about your everyday life. GMP continues to monitor the intelligence to ensure we can respond effectively to any incidents of disorder. And, if we believe there needs to be specific information about anything emerging we will tell people and offer advice.

next of kin 56-year-old
Police at work. Free public domain CC0 photo.

“We are heavily resourced, and we have specialist officers and staff who are working around the clock to tackle these issues and ensure our communities are supported. We are speaking to community leaders and elected representatives regularly to make sure they are appraised of all planned protests known to GMP.  People living safely and peacefully, do not deserve to be frightened: we are here to protect you, and we will use all resources and capabilities to do so.

“Our message is clear: there is no place for hate in Greater Manchester. If you come here to willingly participate in disorder and crime, we will be at your door, ensuring you answer for your crimes.

“We will police without fear or favour and use all resources and powers available to ensure those involved in this disgraceful behaviour are dealt with robustly.”

This week shops in and around the Salford Precinct shut early ahead of potential protests. Although no protests took place this Tuesday (August 6) a large sum of shops at Salford Precinct and the surrounding area closed down for the day around 1pm.

The concern for disorder follows the widespread rioting across the UK in the past week since three little girls were killed in the Southport stabbings.

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