NANDO’S is supporting families within the local community by helping to raise funds for the paired up reading project in Salford.

The project aims to provide one-to-one support for children who need extra care and support.

It will take place over summer for 15 children on a trial basis, with the programme potentially expanding across Salford if it is successful.

Supervised experts and volunteers will read with the children each week, providing continuity and support for the families.

The programme is portrayed as a win win for all parties involved. The children develop multiple skills and the elderly volunteers gain a chance to engage with children and families.

Nando’s is highlighting the importance of reading to children, through the fundraising but also within the restaurant itself.

The restaurant has recently expanded its selection of reading books, including some from the Oxford Reading Tree.

This allows children of all abilities to enjoy reading and to further develop their language skills.

Parents are encouraged to read to their children or have their children read to them, while they wait for their meal.

Mark Austin, the manager of Nando’s Salford Quays, has stated that “it takes around 10-15 minutes for [customers] to get their food which is a perfect opportunity for them to read to their children.”

Research shows that just 20 minutes of reading time a day can help a child to develop critical reading skills.

Further research studies have shown the endless advantages of reading with children.

It helps to develop children’s language skills, increases concentration, enhances their imagination and helps parents to form a stronger bond.

However, not all children have this opportunity, with many parents not being able to afford books to read to their children.

The paired up reading project will be aiming to provide opportunities for children in these situations.

The project has set up a funding page in which you can donate to help this cause.

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