Salford residents are mostly supportive of the Jubilee and see it as a matter of national pride.

It’s the Platinum Jubilee. A historic evet that will see the nation erupt in celebration for her majesties 70th year on the throne. Union jacks will fly high, there will be spectacle in the form of pageants, parades and parties, including the thousands of people that will make the pilgrimage to London to stand outside the gates of Buckingham Palace and it will all be conducted in her majesties honour.

be divided across the country to go towards council organised celebrations for the Jubilee. The Platinum Jubilee Fund will provide grants of up to £50,000 for what they describe as ‘70 impactful community projects across the UK.’  According to the official Platinum Jubilee website, national lottery funding will provide £22 million to

Some of this money will be diverted to Salford to help fund celebrations for the big day and residents are supportive of the idea. One resident said:

‘’Honestly I think from a matter of national pride it’s acceptable’’

‘’It’s gonna be memorable forever, she’s not gonna be around forever and, yeah, I think it should be commemorated and we spend a lot more money and a lot of other things’’

‘’I think it’s well spent’’

Another man said

‘’Yeah it’s been going on for so many years I think it should just carry on, it’s something we stand for, I think, isn’t it.’’

No other monarch in British history has reigned as long as the Elizabeth 1st. Elizabeth surpassed Queen Victoria, who sat on the throne for 63 years, as the longest reigning monarch in 2015 and her 70th Jubilee his set to be an even more historic occasion. Another resident commented:

‘’I’m very pleased that it’s been celebrated, we’re in a very special situation with so many years and one monarch who has served up so well.’’

‘’There is a cost but it’s offset by the tourism it generates and the fact it brings so many people to the country.’’

People are looking forward to the celebrations because of the community spirit in brings out in people.

‘’Personally live in a place with a communal garden so we’ve got a big celebration organised. I’m fully, full on with spending for the, y’know, I think we should celebrate.’’ One woman said.

Of course some people disagree with the Jubilee being celebrated.

‘’Basically, I don’t feel like the monarchy really does anything in this day and age and that we don’t really need them as much anymore, we’ve all kinda outgrown them, if that makes sense.

Another commenter said:

‘’This one should be a good thing but I think the money might go into areas it shouldn’t go into’’

‘’They’ll say it’s all going to one place and they’ll divert some of it to somewhere else that no one knows about’’

Others were conflicted.

‘’I don’t know. I like the bank holiday I can’t lie, but then if it’s a waste of money’’

‘’The thing is, the monarchy, they spend useless money but then they do bring money in because people go and visit them.’’

‘’I don’t know but they’re not good people. But it’s, like, could you do without them.’’

The Jubilee celebrations will be held over a four-day bank holiday weekend from the 2nd – 5th of June and there are plenty of activities to get involved in.

Image credit: Defence Imagery via Flickr. no changes made

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