UNION supporters gathered together last Friday in Manchester to demand “equality” and “accountability” from their employers.

Unite the Union members gathered at 12am on Friday before proceeding down Portland Street to the Mechanics’ Institute to hear from several speakers on their three issues, including Graham Stringer MP for Blackley and Broughton.

Supporters making their way down Portland Street towards the TUC.

The workers at Fujitsu are disputing the treatment of their Union Representatives and other workers facing potential compulsory redundancies.

This is following the dismissel of prominent Union Representative Ian Allinson in January 2017, whom had worked at Fujitsu for 30 years, receiving notice of his dismissal while on compassionate leave at a family funeral, he was also not permitted to work his notice despite having an internal job application.

Currently six Fujitsu workers are fighting their redundancies; two being union representatives, the majority being ethnic minorities and disabled, along with one even having complained about sexual harrasment prior to their selection.

Both First Manchester bus drivers and Mears workers are disputing pay inequalities within their industry, seeing that their workers recieve less pay than those in either other companies or other depots within the same company doing the same roles.

Neil Clarke, Unite’s Regional officer, in regards to the First bus workers, said; “The issue is about fairness, it’s about equity and it’s about justice versus injustice.”

First Manchester bus drivers working a few miles north of the city have been working for £12.10 an hour, meanwhile drivers south of the city working in the Rusholme depot have been driving for £9.55.

Mears workers have shown their support toward Mr Allinson, with speaker Bill Sinclair conveying the aims of the rally through promotion of a message of “solidarity”.

Lyn Collins, the TUC Regional Secretary, also spoke at the meeting, comparing the goals of the movements today to those that the intially formed unions at the Mechanics’ Institute location demanded 150 years ago.

Graham Stringer MP said; “People pay their taxes to try and improve peoples lives. Either by having a good health service, providing decent housing, roads, and other public services.

“There should be accountability for that money, it should not go straight into the pockets of big companies.”

Mr Allinson has formed a petition in responce to his dismissal supported by the Unite members, with names such as Liz McInnes MP having singed in support.

Unite the Union offices can be found in Salford’s Merchant Quay, and post their planned actions on.


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