A Salford litter picking group is organising an art competition to teach children the negatives of littering.
Salford Litter Heroes is a volunteer community group that organises street and park clean-ups across Salford every week.
The art competition is just one way of trying to encourage the next generation to look after their area and reduce the amount of litter.

Danielle Wright, founder of the group, said: “I organised the art competition as I feel solving litter in Salford is a very important issue and that children should have a say in it.
“They are the next generation that will be living in hopefully a litter free Salford but we need every bodies help to make it happen. There are some very artistic young people in Salford and I think we should showcase their skills.”
The competition involves designing a poster raising awareness of litter issues in the area and/or how you can solve it.
The deadline for the competition is January 15 and the winner will be picked by the Mayor of Salford Paul Dennett and a select panel.
The top four designs will be showcased on lampposts and bins around Salford.
Got a bit of creativity in the family? All students, primary, secondary and University we are seeking your artistic abilities to create a litter awareness poster for Salford! The winning ideas will be posted around Salford after been chosen by a select panel! #litterheroes pic.twitter.com/vym5PK06cd
— Salford Litter Heroes (@SalfordHeroes) November 8, 2020
Danielle said: “I’m hoping young people are able to show off their art skills but also, they become educated on why not to litter, which will eventually lead to a society where littering is not behaviourally acceptable.
“I plan to do lots more competitions to encourage positive behaviourally change.
“I haven’t had many responses yet but I need to reach out to schools more to get directly to the target audience.”
Another way the group is trying to get the younger generation involved is by creating resource packs filled with sticker, information cards and certificates. The packs can be posted out to anyone who wants them.
To everybody that has requested either certificates, posters, sticker and/or business cards I will be posting tomorrow! Sorry for any delay. Again if anybody look like a resource pack sending please message us!! The more we spread the word, the quicker we solve the litter issue pic.twitter.com/8gMCXRxPU1
— Salford Litter Heroes (@SalfordHeroes) December 16, 2020
The litter picking group has continued its work throughout the national lockdown and managed to adapt events to be Covid safe in Tier Three.
“Luckily litter picking is already socially distanced and isn’t restricted by government guidance. Picks area adapted by the use of hand sanitisers to sterilise all equipment before and after events but volunteers are encouraged to bring their own equipment if possible to reduce contact,” Danielle added.
The Salford litter picking group is planning on running litter pick events over Christmas. Danielle explained: “Gemma has announced that she would like to carry out a litter pick over Christmas as she along with other volunteers are lonely due to the restrictions and would like to get out.”
To find out more about the group and the benefits of litter picking if you are feeling lonely, click here to read a previous article about how litter picking can improve your mental health.
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