Search Results for "energy house"

Credit: Liz Theaker

“I can’t bring myself to leave the house”- meet the Salford woman who wants to help people with ‘winter blues’

A woman in Salford is raising awareness of Seasonal Affective Disorder, a form of depression which mainly affects people during the winter months.

image used with permission: DPUK

“We don’t have to wait for a politician who is going to fix everything, we can tackle it on our own”: How Salford residents are fighting against rising energy costs

With the cost-of-living crisis unfolding, more Salford residents are standing in solidarity and pledging to not pay their energy bills. […]

“If it means selling my house, I’ll do that” – Eccles resident hopes to raise £40,000 for life-changing surgery

“If it means selling my house, I’ll do that” – Eccles resident hopes to raise £40,000 for life-changing surgery

Eccles resident, Lee Barber has conceded he may have to sell his home in order fund a surgery that could cost up to £40,000.