THE Factory night club in the centre of Manchester is a staple night out for students all over the city, with its ‘Quids In Mondays’ and three floors of different genres of music.

However, during the early hours on Sunday morning, students were left quite literally ‘raising the roof’ of the club when the ceiling on the first floor of the club caved in. As the panel of the ceiling fell through, dust and glass was scattered all over the floor and onto the clubbers below it.

Factory issued a statement on all of their social media platforms the morning after the event:

However, when contacted to give some information about what happened on the night they refused to give any quotes or any more information than that that could be found in the statement they provided to the public.

In 2014, ironically in February, the exact same thing happened to the ceiling of Factory and clubbers were left, once again, holding the ceiling up. As well as Factory being in the news twice for its faulty ceiling, last year a teenager was assaulted in the city centre shortly after being involved in a dispute inside the club.


A student that was in Factory on the night it happened said, “We just felt this weight on our heads, it didn’t hurt but it was a bit of a shock.

“People started to scream and yell but after a few minutes everyone calmed down. You could tell that the staff and bouncers weren’t prepared, it took the DJ about 5 minutes to turn the music off and for them to start evacuating people.

“Lights smashed when it happened and I got dust and glass in my eyes. I don’t think anyone was injured but a good night out definitely took an unexpected turn.”

Factory say the will be open as normal after the event but the first floor will be shut until they fix the ceiling.


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