Headway Salford

Daredevils will raise money to support people in Salford living with brain injuries.

Sarah Corcoran, Sian Riley, Dominika Benkowska and others will be taking the leap of faith for charity on June 28.

Each member will be looking to raise a minimum of £500 (£250 for the sky dive and £250 for charity).

One of the skydivers, Sian Riley commented: “Working with people after a brain injury you see the devastating effect it can have on a person (and their families).

“Each rehabilitation journey is so different and support groups offer essential peer and professional support to navigate the challenging journey and reduce isolation.”

Sarah Corcoran, a fellow sky diver, added: “I work closely with lots of people daily who are all affected in different ways as a result of brain injuries.

“I would like other wonderful people to be able to access the support available as it makes a real difference.”

Dominika Benkowska, another brave fundraiser, added: “The reason for the fund raiser is to help Headway continue to support brain injured clients and their family and friends.”

Headway Salford specialises in offering support to those who suffer with brain injuries. They provide information, support and social activities for those affected.

The charity also provide support to friends, family and carers. It offers a place for many to share their experience in a group who will understand their experiences.

The team of fundraisers chose to skydive for an exhilarating reason.

Benkowska said: “I think a sky dive is a lot more terrifying which can be seen as a metaphor for a fraction of fear that people with brain injuries and their family and friends go through daily.”

Headway Salford
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The Headway team have a range of mixed feelings towards the jump, however the excitement for the cause is the stronger sense for them all.

Riley added: “I’ve never done a sky dive before. I am predicting it will be a scary and enjoyable at the same time. I am slightly terrified of heights.”

Corcoran added: “Truthfully, I’m feeling a little yellow as I do have a fear of heights. But I want to conquer my fear whilst supporting such a worthy cause.”

The skydive will take place on the June 28 2024. Links to each sky divers page can be found below for donations.

Headway Salford
Headway logo

Donate to Sarah’s fund here.

Donate to Dominika here.

Donate to Sian here

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